Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Brand New Hope

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. 
These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, 
the good they do is inconceivable. 
- Joseph Addison -

Hey there, I'm so glad you stumbled upon this blog today. My small corner of the world wide web. Whatever lead you here today, I hope that you have found what you are searching for and if this isn't quite what you expected, my hope is that it has helped in some way and you continue to search for your answer. I have put a lot of thought into this post--maybe too much thought was put into actually sitting down and writing it then should have been. This blog itself has transformed in so many ways, so many times. From my hopes and fears during my moms battles with cancer to my grief when we had to say goodbye to everyday encouragement. This blog has mostly been for me and my journey and it will continue to be about that. I will still write about what comes to my heart--but this time I want there to be purpose.

More recently I have been more intentional about my relationships--with people here on earth and my spiritual connection with God. I'm learning how to seek and trust Him more. This takes a lot of work for someone like me who is right now taking a moment to admit that I have a need to feel in control. Letting go and letting God is hard. I do think this has been a learned behavior for me. I like to think that once I was a trusting person. Over the years, as my trust in people has been questioned, I have had to emotionally survive by trying to take my control back. It hasn't always transformed well. It has taken a very unhealthy turn to a point where I have not trusted anyone--people, God, and sometimes myself. I have questioned what I even want in life and my purpose. I have chosen paths and hoped for the best. One thing is for sure--I have never once wanted to give up. We are given this life and for that I am grateful. Even in times where I am uncertain--I have known that even if I didn't know the reason that there was a purpose. Over time, I have found my way back and am starting to trust again. I'm learning to seek God and I have come to know that the purpose I knew existed comes from God. I have prayed and God has answered in only the way that He can because He knows where I am headed. He has lead me to find my husband and together we are building a beautiful family. We have 2 amazing children, 2 cats and a dog, a roof over our heads and a fantastic yard for our kids to run around in. 

But there was a time that I didn't think any of this could be possible. I felt forgotten, unwanted, unloveable, invisible. So how did I get here, to today in this moment where I have decided to share this with you? SO many things! And that is what this blog is going to be about. So, I hope you will stay and share in this journey with me as I continue to discover my purpose as an individual, in motherhood and as a wife in my marriage. I hope to learn from you as well. Let's walk together with purpose and discover ourselves--heart & soul.

Musical Inspiration: Confidence - Sanctus Real

Sarah Mae

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